hiho week 206
This week we will solve the problem "Guess Number with Lower or Higher Hints". Solution is here。
hiho week 165
This week we will solve the problem "Separating Same Characters". Solution is here.
hiho week 152
This week we will solve the problem "Difference of Interval Collections". Solution is here.
hiho week 125
This week let's learn GeoHash's encoding and decoding with Little Hi and Little Ho.
hiho week 118
This week let's solve the problem of minimum path cover in DAG using max flow algorithm.
hiho week 114
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Image Encryption".Here is the solution.
hiho week 112
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Total Highway Distance".Here is the solution.
hiho week 111
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Farthest Point".Here is the solution.
hiho week 110
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Increase Charisma Points".Here is the solution.
hiho week 109
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Tower Defense Game".Here is the solution.
hiho week 108
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Memory Allocating Algorithm".Here is the solution.
hiho week 107
This week we will learn how to solve problem "Give My Text Back".Here is the solution.
hiho week 106
This week learn Size Balanced Tree, a kind of balanced search tree with amortized time O(logn) for each operation.
hiho week 104
This week learn Splay Tree, a kind of balanced search tree with amortized time O(logn) for each operation.
hiho week 103
This week learn Treap, a kind of balanced search tree whose expected depth is O(logn).
hiho week 102
This week solve the sudoku problem with Little Hi and Little Ho, using dancing links.
hiho week 101
Learn dancing links with Little Hi and Little Ho, the technique suggested by Donald Knuth to efficiently implement some search algorithms.
hiho week 100
This week Little Hi and Little Ho try to solve the famous 8-puzzle problem with the famous A* algorithm.
hiho week 98
This week Little Hi and Little Ho try to solve an arithmetical card game -- 24 points.
hiho week 96
Learn Euler's totient function or Euler's phi function with Little Hi and Little Ho.
hiho week 81
This week we will solve the problem "Professor Q's Software". Here is the solution.
hiho week 79
This week we will solve the problem "Troublesome Power Supply". Here is the solution.
hiho week 78
This week we will solve the problem "Shortest Proper Prefix". Here is the solution.
hiho week 64
This week we will solve the problem "Right-click Context Menu". Here is the solution.
hiho week 60
This week we will solve the problem "String Matching Content Length". Here is the solution.
hiho week 53
After suffering from computer virus, Little Hi and Little Ho's school is rebuilding the campus network.
hiho week 52
After suffering from computer virus, Little Hi and Little Ho's school is rebuilding the campus network.
hiho week 50
After having collected all items, little Hi and little Ho have to face to a new problem.
hiho week 40
The 5th week of learning divide and conquer algorithm. Let's study a new divide and conquer algorithm.
hiho week 39
The 4th week of learning divide and conquer algorithm. Let's see a classic problem.
hiho week 38
This week let's study a very useful application of binary search, reducing optimization problems to decision problems.
hiho week 36
After having studied bipartite graph, we will start a new series about divide and conquer algorithms.
hiho week 33
The adventure of Little Hi and Little Ho will continue after the Spring Festival. Now let's enjoy the holidays.
hiho week 32
"Little Hi!!! Where's the perfect solution you promised?!!! What do you mean GUESS in this last step!" little Ho says, with rage filled up his mind.
hiho week 31
"Zero ... zero each time! It would be so convenient if they all reverse in one move as in computer!" little says, wite anger on his face.
hiho week 30
"If ... I died after this step, little Hi, please take care of my parents ..." little Ho says, with tears in his eyes.
hiho week 29
These is no love without reason, and there is no reduction of time comlexity without reason!
hiho week 25
Algorithms... well, some of them, is just simply traversal and ... some improvement!
hiho week 24
Well, right! Ten times of an algorithm with time comlexity of O(N^2) is good enough to take over the algorithm with time comlexity of O(N^3)! But, what if I tell you this algorithm is only writen in 5 lines?
hiho week 20
Segment-tree seems to be too much for RMQ problem ? Let's see some more powerful usage!
hiho week 19
Less is more, far is near - will ST algorithm reborn after calculate less intervals?
hiho week 18
SImple modification make easy problem really complicated ! What's the secrets that behind the RMQ problem ?!
hiho Week 17
It is so embarrassing that Hi and Ho applied an advanced LCA algorithm but nothing goes better. How will Hi and Ho deal with this?
hiho Week 15
In order to cover the uesless of algorithm, should we spent thounds to buy servers? No! Ho says so.
hiho Week 13
"We came from the same ancient!", people having same last name will say so. But which ancient is the nearest one? Hi and Ho will let you know!
hiho Week 12
The painting on Ho's toy tree has been erased due to Ho's endless rub! What will Ho do ?
hiho Week 11
"Diameter of tree", such a classic problem must be collected in our sets of tree problems that represents "Recursion"! Wanna know how to solve it?
hiho Week 10
Calculating binary tree post-order traversal from given pre-order and in-order traversal is just shown up in the online test of Alibaba!~ Just come and see how Hi and Ho solve it!
hiho Week 9
"State Compression" is useful tool to deal with many circumstances. Let's see how Hi and Ho put their cakes!
hiho Week 8
Sometimes the division of state will be uncertain, and in this case, the state compression will help a lot!
hiho Week 7
In another parallel universe, the story of Hi and Ho has been changed magically! What's variants of "knapsack" problem? Can we eat it? Does it tasty? And how can we eat it?
hiho Week 6
The "0/1 knapsack" problem is not only a simply dynamic programming model! Let's see how Ho use it to solve his problem~
hiho Week 5
You should already know the problem "Triangle of numbers", but as the Confucius says "Reviewing leads to new". So why not come and see how Hi and Ho solve it?
hiho Week 4
Do you still remember the problem that Mr.Hexie presented in Hiho! Week 3? This time Hi and Ho will end it !
hiho Week 3
Pattern Matching is an everlasting topic in String Processing, and KMP algorithm is the brightest one with no doubt! So come and learn it with Hi and Ho~
hiho Week 2
String autocompletion is important both in input method and search engine, but do you know how to implemtent it?
hiho Week 1
You must be familiar with such a classic problem as "The longest palindrome"? But do you know the 3 kinds of way to solve it? Just have a try!